Wednesday round-up
The weekly editorial round-up. Marketing for Authors blog has been live less than a week. Every Wednesday I’ll be doing a weekly round-up of what’s been covered so if you’ve only time for a quick visit, you can check the latest Wednesday round-up first. I’ve blogged the first 2 installments in the series Rules which will be running over the next 2-3 months (depending on how fast I can write them up). Firstly that marketing does not have to be expensive, but you do need to invest in it – if not money, then time. Secondly that authors must take responsibility for marketing. It was great that Fenella-Jane Miller agreed to be interviewed before the blog even existed! There will be an author interview here every Sunday. If there is a particular author you’d like to see interviewed, or if you are an author with some unique marketing experiences you’d like to share, email me. Tuesday tips is another weekly column with the objective of sharing up-to-date practical advice. The first column featured links to sites detailing literary festivals, an excellent article on writing author press releases, and some links to book magazines. I very much hope that Marketing for Authors can develop into an enjoyable and informative blog to demystify the marketing process, share practical advice and help authors become marketing managers for their books. If you have any comments or suggestions at any time, post them here or drop me a line.
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