Thursday, November 02, 2006

Rule 9: Does what it says on the tin

Does what it says on the tin is an expression used in the UK when we describe a product that functions exactly as the labelling promised. It originated as an advertising slogan for Ronseal, a manufacturer of varnishes. Now, I’ve just had a novella published entitled The Restless Heart. You’re guessing it’s a romance aren’t you? Or possibly an emotionally harrowing biography or autobiography. It’s a romance, but that word Restless also promises a bit of suspense doesn’t it? Good. Because The Restless Heart is a romance with a bit of suspense. The book delivers what it says on the tin. Here are my other book titles to date: The Lady Soldier -> this one’s about a lady soldier and has quite a lot of military adventure Fateful Deception -> another suspenseful romance involving fate and a big deception Perfidy and Perfection -> a rom com with a nod towards Jane Austen The rule is this – choose your book titles wisely, or keep your fingers crossed that your publisher chooses wisely for you. Your title is a primary marketing vehicle for your book.


At 11/06/2006 04:37:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kate!
Your marketing idea is successful from my standpoint. I fell in love with your title, The Lady Soldier!
It took a long wait to get it in the US, but I did! And enjoyed the book very much!


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